Jordan Weiss

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Ph.D. Candidate, Demography & Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

216 McNeil

BSc, Economics and Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2012

Entered Program: 2016
First Year Paper Advisor: Irma T. Elo
Second Year Paper Advisor: Douglas Ewbank
Dissertation Chair: Michel Guillot
Dissertation Committee: Samuel H. Preston, Norma B. Coe
Graduation Year: 2020


Jordan graduated from the University of Southern California with a BSc in Economics and Mathematics in 2012. Before coming to Penn, he worked as a statistician in the Center for Health and Community at the University of California, San Francisco. Jordan’s current work examines the contribution of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias to population-level trends in mortality and life expectancy in the US. In related work, he combines a life course framework with multi-state modeling techniques to examine disparities in cognitive health transitions. Additional research interests include informal care, long-term care policy, and bioethics. Jordan's favorite children's book is Harold and the Purple Crayon.

Jordan was awarded a fellowship from the Alzheimer's Association to present work on explaining trends in dementia incidence at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference this summer. Jordan also recently received the 2019 APHA Aging and Public Health section's Laurence Branch Doctoral Student Research Award.

Recent publication: Eli Puterman, Jordan Weiss, Jue Lin, Samantha Schilf, Aaron Slusher, Kirsten L. Johansen, Elissa S. Epel (2018) "Aerobic exercise lengthens telomeres and reduces stress in family caregivers: A randomized controlled trial - Curt Richter Award Paper 2018", Psychoneuroendocrinology,