The Graduate Group in Demography administers the Ph.D. program in demography. The Ph.D. program in demography includes the acquisition of an A.M. degree in demography. We do not however offer a terminal master's degree program here at Penn. The Graduate Group in Demography is responsible for training students through course work and supervised research. Those seeking a Ph.D. degree in Demography should apply to the Graduate Group in Demography. Demography has a long and proud tradition at Penn, and students seeking to specialize in it have an unusually broad array of courses from which to pick and a relatively large number of faculty members with whom they can work. Penn is unique in having professors who teach and conduct research within virtually all substantive areas of population. The Population Studies Center provides office and work space for graduate students, both those in the Graduate Group in Demography and those otherwise affiliated with the Center and its research projects. These include access to the Demography Library and to computing facilities. The Center sponsors a weekly seminar series that affords students the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest work by leading scholars in the field of populations, as well as less formal opportunities to interact with visiting scholars.
Degree Requirements
- Demography Course Catalog
- Demography Course Register (Course Descriptions)
- Demography Course Timetable
- Sociology Course Register (Course Descriptions)
- Sociology Course Timetable
Student Guide