Given the centrality of Hispanic fertility to U.S. population projections and assessments of immigrant assimilation, it is essential to ensure the accuracy of available estimates. The main argument that I investigate in the proposal is that the failure to separate immigrant from native women significantly distorts period estimates of overall Hispanic fertility. Immigrant fertility is affected by processes that do not affect the general population, particularly the close link between migration and family formation, which require special considerations when investigating the fertility contribution of immigration. My specific aims are to: 1- explore the disruptive tempo effect of international migration on the fertility of Hispanic women and its implication for quantum fertility measures; 2- investigate variation in tempo effects by parity and assess whether international migration might lead to higher completed fertility; 3- explore the mechanisms undergirding tempo effect, including union formation and family separation; and 4- begin formulating alternative estimates of period fertility levels that take into account tempo distortions among the immigrant population that could be applied in population projections.
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