Jethro Banda

Jethro Banda Headshot

Ph.D. Student, Demography, University of Pennsylvania

216 McNeil

MSc, Demography, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2023

B.S.S., Demography and Economics, University of Malawi, 2015

Entered Program: 2024
First Year Paper Advisor: Hans-Peter Kohler

Jethro Banda holds an undergraduate degree in Economics and Demography from University of Malawi and a Master of Science in Demography and Health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He started his professional career monitoring and evaluating behavior change communication programs and later joined Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit (MEIRU) where he spent 5 years conducting health and demographic research. At MEIRU he contributed to the successful running of several studies including mobile phone based COVID-19 and adult and under-5 mortality measurement validation studies. Some publications from these projects appear in Demographic Research, Health Policy and Planning and BMJ Open. He is more generally interested in studying changes in fertility and mortality and how these affect population dynamics in Sub Saharan Africa.