This award honors the memory of Etienne van de Walle, a world-renowned Penn demographer who was tireless in his support of graduate training and research. Graduate students are invited to submit papers for the Etienne van de Walle Prize. The Prize is awarded every other year for the best paper in demography written by a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. Submissions for the 2017 prize are due on 22 November 2017. Students from any discipline may submit a paper. The prize, including a cash award, will be announced in December 2017. The winner will be asked to present the paper at the Population Studies Center colloquium in February 2018. The submission, a paper or a dissertation chapter, should be equivalent to an article suitable for a demography journal, e.g., a length of approximately 30 double-spaced pages, excluding tables, figures, notes, and bibliography. The submission must be a single-authored paper. The paper must have been written since July 2015 and while the student was still in a Ph.D. program at Penn. All submissions should be sent to Tanya Yang by 22 November 2017.
Submission Deadline