University of California Berkeley Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging-CEDA
USC/UCLA Center for Biodemography and Population Health
Event Start Date
Event End Date
Submission Deadline
University of California at Berkeley

This workshop is designed to share leading research methods and findings on comparative patterns of adult mortality risk factors in low and middle income countries (LMIC), following-up on an inaugural workshop held on this topic at USC in February 2016. The goal is to build a robust evidence base for understanding the drivers of cross-national mortality and health expectancy patterns, especially in populations with unusually high or low adult mortality. The newly expanded availability of longitudinal HRS-type surveys in LMIC make this an opportune time to gather a network of researchers using such data to study mortality patterns, in order to share innovative methods, new results, and ideas for the most promising research agenda going forward.

We solicit presentations of papers using longitudinal data from one or more LMIC, particularly from harmonized HRS family studies (see in China (CHARLS), Costa Rica (CRELES), Ghana (SAGE), Korea (KLOSA), Indonesia (IFLS), Mexico (MHAS), and South Africa (SAGE). We also encourage use of other LMIC micro-data with mortality follow-ups, e.g. from Taiwan (SEBAS), China (CLHLS), South Africa (HAALSI), and elsewhere, as well as comparisons with data from higher income countries such as the US (HRS), Japan (JSTAR or NUJLSOA), England (ELSA), and Europe (SHARE).

The sponsors will cover hotel accommodations and meals during the workshop. Participants should be prepared to bear other costs associated with travel to the conference. This will be a small meeting of about 30 people. We invite one-page abstracts, which should be submitted by October 21st to For inquiries about topical areas please contact Will Dow and Eileen Crimmins For further information please contact CEDA Executive Director Elizabeth Vasile (