Kai Feng is a joint PhD student in Demography and Sociology with research interests in social demography, population and development, and stratification. His work takes a gender and demographic perspective, focusing on topics such as labor force participation, aging, and family change. For his dissertation, he is examining the "Gender Equity Paradox" in education in developing contexts. Kai has been recognized for his research with the Best Graduate Student Paper Award from the sections of Aging and Life Course and Sociology of Development (Honorable Mention) of the ASA, as well as the Nan Lin Graduate Student Paper Award from the ICSA. He was also a fellow at the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report. Kai is an award recipient of the Penn Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and he has teaching interests in demographic methods, work and family, population and development, and social statistics.
- Feng, K. and E. Hannum. 2024. Diverse Pathways from Adolescence to Early Adulthood among China's Rural Youth: A New Perspective. Chinese Journal of Sociology 10(2):192-217.
- Feng, K. 2023. Unequal Duties and Unequal Retirement: Decomposing the Women's Labor Force Decline in Postreform China. Demography 60(5):1309-1333.
- Yang, X. and K. Feng. 2023. Mapping the Cumulative Effects of Climate Change on Children’s Education in Ten African Countries. Global Education Monitoring Report. (2022 GEM Report Fellowship). UNESCO.