Linda H. Aiken (PSC/PARC) was featured in an LDI Research Update on the Penn Nursing Transcontinental Implementation Science Project and the challenges posed by COVID-19. The project, Magnet4Europe, is essentially a framework and blueprint for the sweeping internal reorganization of a hospital’s clinical operations, staffing policies, internal communication practices, management philosophies, top-of-license teamwork integration, and problem-solving systems. The overall goal of the evidence-based intervention is to create and maintain a clinical working environment that systematically minimizes clinician stress and burnout, and improves patient care.
Image Caption: The University of Pennsylvania’s Linda Aiken, Co-Director of the Magnet4Europe project, addresses the Consortium’s first meeting of U.S. hospital program directors in Washington, D.C., on March 9, 2020. Within weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic had closed in, greatly complicating the massive research project’s operations.