Research at Penn, 2023 Edition, features the research of Dolores Albarracin (pg 50), Courtney Boen (pg 60), Angela Duckworth (pg 47), John MacDonald (pg 48), Dorothy Roberts (pg 23), Eugenia South (pg 48) and Sarah Tishkoff (pg 35).
"Research at Penn." 2023.
D Albarracin et al. "Creating Conspiracy Beliefs: How our Thoughts are Shaped." Cambridge University Press.
C Boen, H Olson, et al. "Early life patterns of criminal legal system involvement: Inequalities by race/ethnicity, gender, and parental education," Demographic Research.
A L Duckworth, T Kautz, et al. "Students Attending School Remotely Suffer Socially, Emotionally, and Academically," Sage Journals.
E C South, J MacDonald, et al. "Association Between Structural Housing Repairs for Low-Income Homeowners and Neighborhood Crime," JAMA Network.
D E Roberts. "Torn Apart: How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families--and How Abolition Can Build a Safer World." Basic Books.
S Tishkoff, et al. "Genomic differences selected through evolution may offer clues as to why COVID-19 outcomes vary widely."