Last month Jere R. Behrman and colleagues presented the Lancet report "Supporting early childhood development: form science to large-scale application." According to the study, an alarming 43% of children under the age of 5 living in low and middle income countries are at risk of inadequate development due to poverty and stunting. These negative effects extend to adulthood and the results are low economic income and the generation of social tensions. It is estimated that people affected by a bad start in life suffer a loss of about a quarter of the average annual income in adulthood, while countries can lose up to double their current expenditure on Gross Domestic Product in health and education. Important stakeholders including the Minister of Development and Social Includion, Fiorella Mollinelli, and the UNICEF representative for Peru, Maria Luisa Fornara attended the presentation. Photos of the event can be found at the UNICEF Peru Facebook Page.