Vincent Bio Bediako is a dual Ph.D. and MA student in Demography and Statistics and Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His current research interests include how the climate and environmental factors influence childhood health outcomes in sub-Saharan region. He has previous has several scientific contributions in public health and has served has a peer-reviewer for man public health journals. Due to his research experience, he was awarded a $5000 research grant by the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) based at World Health Organization under the umbrella of Access and Delivery Partnership (ADP) with funding from the Government of Japan to the African Training Centre–School of Public Health, Legon [Grant ID = UGSPH/CIRT-M/001].

Ph.D. Student, Demography, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D. Student, Demography, University of Pennsylvania
250 McNeil
M.Phil., Population and Health, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 2021
B.A., Population and Health, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 2017
Entered Program:
First Year Paper Advisor:
Michel Guillot
Second Year Paper Advisor:
Hans-Peter Kohler