Megan Wisniewski is a second-year PhD student in Demography at the University of Pennsylvania and a NIH/NICHD T32 trainee. Megan holds a M.S. in Applied Statistics from West Chester University and a B.S. in Sociology from Penn State University. Prior to joining Penn, Megan was a Survey Statistician at the U.S. Census Bureau in the Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division. Her research focused on earnings and occupations, specifically highlighting the gender wage gap using American Community Survey (ACS) data. Broadly, Megan is interested in text analysis/large language models (LLMs) and occupation and health data.

Ph.D. Student, Demography & Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D. Student, Demography & Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
216 McNeil
M.S., Applied Statistics, West Chester University, 2021
B.S., Sociology, Pennsylvania State University, 2016
Entered Program:
First Year Paper Advisor:
Xi Song