José Henrique Costa Monteiro da Silva

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Ph.D. Candidate, Demography, University of Pennsylvania

216 McNeil

M.Sc., Demography, University of Campinas, 2019
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas, 2017

Entered Program: 2022
First Year Paper Advisor: Michel Guillot

José Henrique is a PhD student in Demography at the University of Pennsylvania. He was born in Brasília, Brazil and he holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Demography from the University of Campinas, Brazil. Before joining the Graduate Group in Demography at UPenn, José worked at the International Policy Centre for the Inclusive Growth, an institution founded from a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Brazil and at the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE), the population division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. He is interested in formal demography and in the application and assessment of indirect methods for demographic estimation in countries with poor quality data.

Recent publications:

Castanheira, H.C., Monteiro da Silva, J.H.C. 2022. 'Manual para la aplicación de los métodos de distribución de defunciones'. Serie Población y Desarollo, 137.

Castanheira, H.C., Monteiro da Silva, J.H.C. 2022. 'Examining sex differences in the completeness of Peruvian CRVS data and adult mortality estimates.' Genus 78(3).

Monteiro da Silva, J.H.C., Lima, E.E.C., Oliveira, M.C.F.A. 2022. 'Educational pairings and fertility decline in Brazil: an analysis using cohort fertility'. Demographic Research 46(6).

Monteiro da Silva, J.H.C., Queiroz B.L., Sawyer, D., Pereira, F.N.A., Guimarães, R.M. 2022. 'Rural-Urban health and mortality differentials in Brazil, 2010-2013'. Revue Quetelet/Quetelet Journal 8(1).