Gwynne Evans-Lomayesva

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Ph.D. Candidate, Demography & Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

249 McNeil

M.A., Public Policy, Kings College London, 2014
B.A., Political Science International Comparative Policies, Brown University, 2011

Entered Program: 2022
First Year Paper Advisor: Irma T. Elo
Second Year Paper Advisor: Irma T. Elo

Gwynne Evans-Lomayesva (Snow Clan, Hopi Tribal Nation) is a Demography PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a recipient of the university’s Presidential PhD fellowship and the Fontaine Fellowship. Gwynne’s passion for Demography emerged from her years working with Census Bureau data and collaborating with Demographers and Sociologists in the field. She is passionate about incorporating the American Indian/Alaska Native population and geographic population data into her research, and working to improve AI/AN data representation in research.

She joined the university from the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Policy Research Center, where she served as the Center’s Researcher from 2018 - 2022 and led the NCAI Policy Research Center’s Census Information Center (CIC) from 2019 - 2022. Gwynne joined the national CIC Network Steering Committee in 2019 and was elected as Chair in 2020, where she served until 2022. Gwynne continues to serve the Census Bureau through her appointment to the Census Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC) in 2022.  

In addition to her Census Information Center work, Gwynne served on the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) Expert Meeting Series for 2020 Census Disclosure Avoidance System Implementation for the Redistricting File, she served as a representative for the CIC network to the U.S. Census Bureau on differential privacy, and served on several additional stakeholder groups related to Census privacy algorithms. She also serves as a member of the Technical Expert Panel for Westat's WIC eligibility estimates. 

Gwynne looks forward to opportunities to continue exploring the diverse population demographics and experiences of today’s global landscape.

Select Publications:
Gwynne Evans-Lomayesva, Jae June Lee, & Cara Brumfield. Advancing American Indian & Alaska Native Data Equity: Representation in Federal Data Collections. Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, November 2022.

NCAI Policy Research Center (2021). 2020 Census Results: Regional Tribal Land Data Summary. Washington DC: National Congress of American Indians, September 2021.

NCAI Policy Research Center (2021). A First Look at the 2020 American Indian/Alaska Native Redistricting Data. Washington DC: National Congress of American Indians, August 13, 2021.

NCAI Policy Research Center (2021). Impacts of the April 2021 Census Disclosure Avoidance System on Tribal Nations. Washington DC: National Congress of American Indians, May 2021.

NCAI Policy Research Center (2019). Research Policy Update: 2019 Changes to the Common Rule that Impact Tribal Research Seven Part Series. National Congress of American Indians, July 2019.