Adriana Scanteianu


Ph.D. Student, Demography & Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

216 McNeil

M.Sc., Social Statistics, London School of Economics, 2023

B.S., Mathematics, Rutgers University, 2021

Entered Program: 2023
First Year Paper Advisor: Hans-Peter Kohler

Adriana Scanteianu is a joint doctoral student in Demography and Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania and the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health, and Data Science. Her research interests span global population aging, health and mortality disparities, and gender. Adriana holds an MSc in Social Statistics from the London School of Economics and a BS in Mathematics from Rutgers University. She is a US Fulbright Scholar with experience working in education and public policy across the US, EU, and UK. She is also a co-founder of True Inclusion LLC, a collective dedicated to informed storytelling through research and advocacy in public health, immigration, and higher education.