Duy Do

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Ph.D. Candidate, Demography, University of Pennsylvania

249 McNeil

M.S., Health Economics and Demography, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2016
B.A., Economics and Math, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2013

Entered Program: 2016
First Year Paper Advisor: Hans-Peter Kohler
Second Year Paper Advisor: Jason Schnittker
Dissertation Chair: Jason Schnittker
Dissertation Committee: Irma T. Elo, Courtney Boen
Graduation Year: 2020


My research vision is largely directed toward understanding the social and medical determinants of health. Much of my research investigates the role of medication side effects in population health disparities. Particularly, I assess the extent to which the high rates of psychological symptoms among certain demographic subgroups, including non-Hispanic Whites, native-born Americans, and women, are a result of their more frequent use of medications with potential mental health side effects, compared to minorities, immigrants, and men. In addition, my research examines the underlying social, economic, cultural, and institutional factors that influence the use of medications with mental health and cognitive impairment side effects and the disparities in such use across subgroups. Collectively, my investigation of medications with side effects contributes to the understanding of population health patterns and informs interventions that seek to reduce health inequality.